Justice Edward Asante Amoako, President of the ECOWAS Court of justice had decided that the draft Arbitration rules of the ECOWAS Court of Justice be reviewed to enable the organization carry out its duties as Arbitration Tribunal. In accordance to that decision, the court is organizing a workshop from 1st to 5th December 2019 in NASARAWA State in Nigeria, in order to examine once more the existing draft Arbitration Rules. The rules once reviewed will be sent to the appropriate authorities for adoption.
Participants at the workshop including the five (5) judges and all the Directors and legal officers will examine and amend the various chapters of the existing draft rules in order to come up with a final documents for adoption. The chapters include, the introductory rules; the composition of the arbitral Tribunal of the Court and arbitral proceeding. The workshop will equally discuss on the Arbitral Award as well as costs, deposits and security.
During the opening ceremony which will take place on Monday 2nd December 2019, The President of the Court, Hon. Justice Edward Amoako Asante will give an opening speech followed by the Chief Registrar who will present the objectives and the expectations of the workshop
According to the president, the three (3) days’ workshop which will marked the last retreat of the Court for the year 2019 is considered as an important event for the Court as far as the exercise once accomplished will be the starting point for the implementation of the arbitration jurisdiction given to the Court by the founding fathers of ECOWAS.