The President of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, Justice Edward Amoako Asante has praised the pioneer staff of the Court for their doggedness and creativity which enabled it to overcome a difficult period in its history and for their role in its transformation into Africa’s most effective and oldest regional court.
At a farewell ceremony on Saturday, 24th October 2020 for four retiring pioneer staff, the President noted that in cumulatively spending 63 years in the service of the Court, the staff had sacrificed their most vibrant and productive years in its service with the resultant physical toll on their appearance and lives.
“ Occasions like this therefore aptly provide an opportunity to publicly acknowledge, respect and appreciate their contributions to the court particularly through its formative years when they had to endure so much through uncharted territory for the Court,’ the President said.
He added: ‘ undeniably, the staff being recognized at this ceremony have left an enduring legacy in the court, not least their role in constructing a solid foundation for the court and helping to nurture it into the edifice it has become in the context of regional courts and its enviable jurisprudence.”
The President said that the Court will ‘surely miss the enriching guidance and perspective of two of them who are seasoned lawyers, the Chief Registrar, Mr. Tony Anene-Maidoh and Mrs. Franca Ofor, the Principal Legal Research Officer, both of which are retiring after 17 years each in the service of the Court.
“ We are however consoled that through mentorship, bequeathed some of their experience and expertise to some staff who will subsequently be required to sustain and improve their legacy through the quality and rigour of their service to the Court,’ he added.
Also recognized at the ceremony which was attended by the judges and staff were Mrs. Elizabeth Ashalley, a bilingual secretary who retired in 2018 and Ms Mariama Gouro, a translator who retired last year.
Each of the retiring staff and Mr Ofosuhene Takyiako Apeteng, an accountant in the Court who moved to an ECOWAS agency in Accra, were presented with a plaque and certificate during the ceremony.